
Creating Ideas: Think The Way You Think

Do you sometimes wish you had an easier way to organize or gather your thoughts? Ever been working on a presentation, proposal, or to-do list and didn't know where to start or where you were going to go? A map would [...]

Creating Ideas: Think The Way You Think

Toxophilite Guide to Innovation

Successfully doing something that has never been done before (innovating) is sort of like shooting an arrow at a target while blindfolded. You know where you want to go but until you draw back on the bow string and launch, you [...]

Toxophilite Guide to Innovation

Pause Before You Pounce On Ideas

New ideas can lead to innovations. Often the speed at which we conduct business causes us to make rapid decisions. As a result, we may be robbing ourselves of good ideas. New ideas can be fragile things. We’ve all experienced it... [...]

Pause Before You Pounce On Ideas
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