
How Marketing Affects Pricing

POINT: Paul Williams In many organizations, we marketers don’t play a role in setting pricing. That is determined by the product, sales, or finance teams. […]

How Marketing Affects Pricing

“Converge” Virtual Book Tour Concludes Today!

Today's the final day of the virtual book tour for Converge: Transforming Business at the Intersection of Marketing and Technology by Bob Lord and Ray Velez. On Monday... Ray Velez expanded upon the major themes from the book over at Scott [...]

“Converge” Virtual Book Tour Concludes Today!

Do all Marketing Activities need a Strong Call to Action?

POINT: Paul Williams Call now! Click now to sign-up! Subscribe today! Each of these is a call to action. We marketers put ’em everywhere. The call to action is the punctuation at the end of our advertising message sentence. Dear Customer, [...]

Do all Marketing Activities need a Strong Call to Action?

50 Eye-Opening Lectures for the Marketing Mind: By Online Colleges

Online Colleges, a site promoting web-based colleges, fished the interwebs and compiled a page of 50 Eye-Opening Lectures for the Marketing Mind - lectures and presentations for marketers with topics ranging from Economics, Business, Marketing, Advertising, Technology, and Psychology and Sociology. [...]

50 Eye-Opening Lectures for the Marketing Mind: By Online Colleges
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