Storyboarding: Disney Creative Strategy

Now, commonly known as storyboarding. Take your thoughts and those of others and spread them out on a wall as you work on a project or attempt to solve a problem.

When you put ideas on storyboards, you begin to see interconnections – you see how one idea relates to another, how all the pieces fit together.

Storyboards are graphic organizers such as a series of illustrations or images displayed in sequence for pre-visualizing. It assists in all stages of the creative problem-solving process but especially in generating Brainstorming and deciding on alternatives through Decision Making.

Walt Disney and his staff devised a forerunner of the storyboard technique in 1928 to build, track, and modify scenes of their feature animations.

Image from the website of Disney storyman Bill Peet.


  1. A group consisting of eight to twelve people, a leader, and a recorder are selected.
  2. The problem is defined and identified as the topi header at the top of the storyboard.
  3. The purpose and miscellaneous headers are written down. The purpose header is brainstormed.
  4. The other headers are identified through brainstorming.
  5. After a break, the critical session occurs, using different rules from those used in the creative session.
  6. Ideas, communications, and organization storyboards follow, using the same steps.


  • Moleskine in storyboard format: Large. Pocket
  • Referenced in 101 Creative Problem Solving Techniques, page 161