Last Updated on 28 June 2011

Artist and marketer… marketer and artist… Tom Fishburne has launched a new marketing blog. You may thinking, “another blog, big deal.” I say to you… “No, wait… check him out.”

I found out about Tom a few years ago through Brand Camp his marketing comic strips.

In his illustrations, Tom captures moments in marketing that are painfully embarrassingly accurate. His topics often involve how we marketers get swirled into the spin we try to create…

Here’s his vision of how it went when the chip company’s marketing team learned the side-effects of the fat substitute Olestra…

He pokes fun at the jargon, the spin, and the justification that is often most of the time associated with marketing management.

[click for larger view]

Check out his Brand Camp Cartoon Book. Not only will you enjoy reading it, but you can photocopy pages and stick them to the computer monitor of co-workers who need to STOP behaving like the characters in Tom’s strips.

Tom writes in his blog like he illustrates – captures in small bites, just the right moments needed to get the point across. He inks the important stuff, and erases what isn’t necessary to the story.

Bookmark, add to your feeds… do whatever you need to do to not miss a post from Tom.

Thanks John (Brand Autopsy) for spotting this.