Sand For Your Inbox

Ideas to help you think and work more creatively

Sand for Your Inbox - April 2008

So, you've finally made a list of the projects, tasks and errands you need to accomplish... (nice work)

However, your challenge now is knowing which items to accomplish first... your priorities!

You're not alone... Many of us have struggled with this problem. As a professional problem solver I've decided to do something about this...

Get Yourself In Order with PRIORITIZER

Introducing, Idea Sandbox Prioritizer!
A free, web-based tool to help you get yourself in order!

Give it a try now... Bookmark it for later!

Quick Instructions


  • Enter into Prioritizer: tasks, projects, errands... anything you need to accomplish.
  • When you've finished entering, select NEXT STEP at the bottom of the page. Prioritizer pairs items on your list. Click the item that is more important, or that needs to be done first.
  • When you have run through all the items on your list, Prioritizer presents you with your new list, prioritized and numbered!

That's all there is to it!

With your finished list, Prioritizer offers you the convenience to...

Print It - creates a snazzy format to print or save as PDF.
Change It - add, subtract, or re-word tasks on the existing list. Or,
Start Over - start from scratch.

Prioritizer is perfect whenever you have three or more items that need to be prioritized!


I'm super excited to bring you this tool. I'm sure you'll find it useful. Please let me know your feedback!

Happy Prioritizing,

Paul's First Name


Paul Williams
Idea Sandbox

Idea Sandbox • Seattle | Amsterdam