Back to: Grow Sales By Making Your Location a Can’t-Miss Destination
What do you hope to achieve with your event?
Do you want your customers to see you as the expert resource on whatever it is that you sell? Do you wish to appeal to a segment of customers not already represented by your current customer base? Do you want to give back to charity and involve your customers and neighbors?
There are many different reasons to host destination events. However, if your only goal is to increase sales, you will find it hard to keep your customers interested. It’s important to give them a reason to attend (and to keep visiting). You want the events to be meaningful and relevant to your customers. An increase in sales should be the outcome of these events, not the only goal.
What measures will you use to track success?
Weekly sales, average ticket amount, customer traffic/conversion, the number of transactions, awareness of your brand, social media shares/likes, community recognition?
To set realistic goals (and how you measure them), it’s helpful to reference last year’s sales (or other statistics).
Remember, here at LSMGuide, we recommend that you create SMART Goals!
- Specific
- Measurable
- Actionable
- Realistic
- Time Specific
Go beyond the vague “increase weekly sales” to “We want to increase weekly food sales by 5% when we host an event.”