One of the best ways any day of the year to turn traffic into sales is through sampling and demonstrations. For the Holiday season, there are lots of opportunities…

  • Retailers set-up demonstration stations so potential customers can try before they buy. Have dedicated staff support higher-priced items to make sure customers understand how the product works with ease. Costco does this all the time.
  • Grocery Stores follow the lead from Whole Foods Market and set-up sampling and tastings for every department in your store. Product flies off the shelf when customers can taste-drive different foods.
  • Restaurant owners, sampling isn’t simply for food stores. Showcase your appetizers and desserts – provide a taste of your new sweet potato puffs or seasonal milkshake. Have wait staff offer bites of their two favorite desserts – just enough to have them crave more – and intrigue customer taste buds.
  • Cheese shops, speciality retail stores or catering companies can host a Holiday Appetizer Party! It is a great excuse to have fun with your customers and showcase your wide array of party food.
  • Flower Shops can host a decorating with seasonal flora and fauna class. They could even make it a class in the New Year and turn it into a Gift Certificate to sell as the ‘perfect gift for the flower lover on your list.’
  • Wine shops can host sampling events or classes on Perfect Holiday Wine Pairings and Find Your New Year’s Eve Sparkling Wine.
  • Computer & Electronic Stores have a great opportunity to demonstrate their gadgets and gizmos as the ‘perfect gift for all the guys on your list.’
  • Greeting Card/Stationery Stores can offer Holiday and New Year Card-Making Workshops to help customers get their cards done.
  • Cosmetic Store or Salon can give 10-minute make overs featuring their latest products.

See more ideas and implementation detail in the Sampling & Demonstration Guide.

SamplingWe have a full Course dedicated to Sampling & Demonstrations titled Sample & Demonstrate Your Way To Higher Sales. If sampling is a weakness for you or your team – or you simply want more tools, tips and ideas, we recommend checking out this Course.