
Idea Sandbox: Think Tank – 20,000 Leagues Under DC

Happy Birthday Jules Verne! Thank goodness Jules pursued his passion for writing instead of law (for which he attended university). And, had a good publisher friend in Pierre-Jules Hetzel - who helped improve Verne's writing. My impressions of Jules Verne have [...]

Idea Sandbox: Think Tank – 20,000 Leagues Under DC

Pick Your Place, On Purpose

The most up to date list of locations can be found on the Places page within Brainstorming Tools section. You have to love when someone "makes your case" - that is - says or supports something you believe in as well. [...]

Pick Your Place, On Purpose

Making Meetings More Expensive, Might Make Them Cost Less

While I wouldn't brand myself a meeting fairie, per se... Seth does a great job wrote today... What would happen if your organization hired a meeting fairie? The fairie's job would be to ensure that meetings were short, efficient and effective. [...]

Making Meetings More Expensive, Might Make Them Cost Less

Free Guide To Great Reading: Innovation, Remarkability, Brand Building

Sand For Your Inbox October 2010 I'm excited to share with you a free Guide To Great Reading which includes fifteen books we recommend in the categories of: Creative Thinking & Innovation,Be Remarkable, and Brand Building. I know you'll love the [...]

Free Guide To Great Reading: Innovation, Remarkability, Brand Building

More Tips For Remarkable Ideas: Sandbox Innovation

The lead at your last brainstorm session probably preambled with something like this:"Remember team, there is no such things as a bad idea in brainstorming. And there are no boundaries. Let the sky be the limit!" They were correct. Yet, the [...]

More Tips For Remarkable Ideas: Sandbox Innovation

Toxophilite Guide to Innovation

Successfully doing something that has never been done before (innovating) is sort of like shooting an arrow at a target while blindfolded. You know where you want to go but until you draw back on the bow string and launch, you [...]

Toxophilite Guide to Innovation

SCAMPERing For Innovation

A great quote found Roger von Oech's book, ""A Whack on the Side of the Head" reads as follows... "Discovery consists of looking at the same thing as everyone elseand thinking something different. The quote is attributed to the Nobel prize [...]

SCAMPERing For Innovation

Seeding Clouds To Produce Brain Storms

For the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, China wanted to ensure rain storms took place where and when they want them to... That did NOT include the opening ceremony. So, the Weather Modification Department in China seeded approaching clouds with activators to [...]

Seeding Clouds To Produce Brain Storms

Be Remarkable Via Pricing Strategy

Being the first, the best, or the only one doing something (and in a way meaningful and relevant to your customers) is a strategy your company can use to stand out from your competition. Something that is relevant to all your [...]

Be Remarkable Via Pricing Strategy
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