
So we go from “no girls allowed” to your business where your cult or culture demands “no crabby employees” allowed.

  • Culture is your Brand; it helps define your brand as it is the HOW you do business.
  • Culture serves as an excellent filter to make sure you hire the right people who allow you to keep doing things HOW you want to do them.
  • There are many things that affect company culture. It isn’t something that is static, but changes. And, because it changes needs to be maintained.
  • Culture is made up of both obvious and visible aspects, but also “hidden” elements that need to be considered when assessing what exists in your company.
  • While you may be part of a bigger company that drives the Organizational Culture, your location, and even your different teams have their own sub-cultures. These may or may not be in alignment with what is intended.
  • To re-build or modify culture you need to consider:
    • what already exists,
    • your vision, mission, and values, and
    • take a look at what the competition and industry are doing.
  • To re-build or modify your culture, understand:
    • what already exists – where you are,
    • what you want it to be – your destination,
    • take note of the gap between where you are and your destination, and
    •  create plans and programs to bridge that gap.

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