

Articles tagged with “brainstorming”

Off-Site Meetings: Last Century Technology

The most up to date list of locations can be found on the Places page within Brainstorming Tools section. Did use an abacus or slide rule to build your FY'10 budgets? To prepare and distribute information about next year's Marketing Plan [...]

Off-Site Meetings: Last Century Technology

Swim Lane Diagram:
Dive Into Complex Decision-Making

Some weeks ago, I shared a decision making method that utilized a Two-By-Two Diagram to rank/filter ideas using two key parameters. While I received positive feedback, I was asked what to use when you need to rank/filter ideas that involve more [...]

Swim Lane Diagram:
Dive Into Complex Decision-Making

Process + People + Place =
Perfect (Brain) Storm

In June, I posted an article called How To Create The Perfect (Brain) Storm. I shared the perspective that a great brainstorm or strategy session... heck ANY great meeting... is a combination of the right people, the right process, at the [...]

Process + People + Place =
Perfect (Brain) Storm

How To Create The Perfect (Brain) Storm

Have you ever been in a brainstorming or strategy meeting where all the elements seemed just right and ideas just kept flowing and flowing? You and your team were able to hit ideas "out of the park?" Chances are you had...the [...]

How To Create The Perfect (Brain) Storm

Rub-A-Dub-Dub, Don’t Lose Ideas In The Tub

Great ideas can strike at the most inopportune times. For me, many ideas hit me when I'm in the shower. Back in April I shared that I purchased a dive slate to capture ideas while lathering. A dive slate is a [...]

Rub-A-Dub-Dub, Don’t Lose Ideas In The Tub

Unblocking Thinker’s Block

Have you ever had "thinkers block?" It's a problem similar to writer's block, but instead of words, you're stumped for ideas. I offer you a technique to get your ideas flowing. In his book Out of the Box: 101 Ideas for [...]

Unblocking Thinker’s Block

Three Faces of Innovation: Dreamer, Realist, Critic

Michael Michalko (author of "Thinkertoys" and "Cracking Creativity") was interviewed by Dan Keldsen from BizTechTalk. They discussed Michael's perspective on various techniques for creative thinking. During the discussion, Michael mentions a technique Walt Disney would use for drumming up ideas... Dreamer, [...]

Three Faces of Innovation: Dreamer, Realist, Critic

Creativity: From Zero to Zing!

Are you still looking for easy-to-approach process for coming up with ideas and problem solving? Do you still not feel you are "good" at being creative? Sam Harrison's book Zing!: Five Steps and 101 Tips for Creativity on Command offers simple, [...]

Creativity: From Zero to Zing!

Be An Explorist, Let Travel Inspire Ideas

Traveling offers a perfect opportunity for creative inspiration. Experiencing out-of-the-ordinary sites, sounds, tastes, people, and culture helps stimulate out-of-the-ordinary thinking and ideas. Get the Inside Scoop Before you leave for your destination, consult insider/underground guides for the places you are visiting. [...]

Be An Explorist, Let Travel Inspire Ideas
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