Your Elevator Pitch
Sand for Your Inbox February 2007 Ever sat next to a potential client or employer on an airplane flight and wished you had a quick pitch prepared? Ever been at a loss for the right words while riding the company elevator? [...]
Sand for Your Inbox February 2007 Ever sat next to a potential client or employer on an airplane flight and wished you had a quick pitch prepared? Ever been at a loss for the right words while riding the company elevator? [...]
Happy New Year! Looking for a New Year's Resolution you may be able to sustain for the year... or for at least a few months? This month I offer a practical and stick-to-able New Year's Resolution that you just may adopt [...]
The beginning of a new year is resolution season. How do you avoid the let-down, after you have enthusiastically created resolutions for a new year, starting with a clean slate, and by February you've stopped working at them? Here is a [...]
If you're like me... being tired = becoming cranky (or is it 'hangry?') and low energy = low ideas. Avoid being tired and low energy with the collection of practical and realistic ways to help restore and maintain your energy level. [...]
When it comes to curiosity and creative problem solving, kids have the process down pat. They are expert problem solvers. (Only a kid can transform an oversized box into a lunar lander!) Having this imagination around the office can be pretty [...]
Traveling offers a perfect opportunity for creative inspiration. Experiencing out-of-the-ordinary sites, sounds, tastes, people, and culture helps stimulate out-of-the-ordinary thinking and ideas. Get the Inside Scoop Before you leave for your destination, consult insider/underground guides for the places you are visiting. [...]
Often what we identify as a problem or opportunity isn’t the true problem. At times our focus may be too narrow preventing us from solving the larger issue causing the problem. Let’s imagine we operate a specialty wine, cheese, and bread [...]
A time-tested technique for problem-solving is to take your challenge out of context and look at it from a different perspective. One context we all can relate to is nature. Mother Nature offers much for us to learn. To generate solutions with the help [...]
New ideas can lead to innovations. Often the speed at which we conduct business causes us to make rapid decisions. As a result, we may be robbing ourselves of good ideas. New ideas can be fragile things. We’ve all experienced it... [...]
When you’ve got a problem to solve if often helps to get advice from various friends, family members, mentors, and colleagues. But there are other resources you can call on as well. You may use what you know about famous people [...]