Yearly Archives: 2011

NORAD Tracking Santa – Live!

It is very exciting to be able to track Santa's progress around the globe. As of this writing, he is making his rounds in Italy! The NORAD website ( allows you to watch Santa as he flies over different cities and [...]

NORAD Tracking Santa – Live!

Vindhek (Find Fence) Public Park Lost & Found

If you drop your gloves at a restaurant or the mall, they probably have a lost-and-found spot at the customer service or security desk. But, what do you do when you lose something in a public park? An innovative solution is [...]

Vindhek (Find Fence) Public Park Lost & Found

Social Media Snake Oil

Social media tactics can be a valuable part of your word-of-mouth marketing strategy. But, they are not the cure-all! Leave it to Marketoonist genius Tom Fishburne to capture the problem in word and image. As Tom writes about his illustration this [...]

Social Media Snake Oil

Difference Between Artistic & Creative Ability

Sometimes we confuse artistic ability with creativity. The thinking, if you can't paint or draw, you're not creative. But this isn't true. Artistic ability includes skills and talent to create works of art: painting, drawing, sculpting, musical composition, etc. Creativity ability is the [...]

Difference Between Artistic & Creative Ability

11/11/11 11:11:11

What a great date and time for a launch event: 11/11/11. To be even fancier, and precise... schedule it at 11:11 am (and 11 seconds). You could launch at night at 11 pm, however, 11 pm is technically 23:00 not 11:00. [...]

11/11/11 11:11:11

NYC: It’s Different There

Seth Godin always has a great way of putting things. He says a lot in few words... I think that's why so many people enjoy reading his stuff. As someone who lived in NYC for several years, I've found NYC is [...]

NYC: It’s Different There

Decision Making, Like A Fighter Pilot

When operating a company, to stay innovative requires constant observation of your industry, competition, and your own company. When you're a fighter pilot, to stay alive requires constant observation of what is happening around you as well as with your own [...]

Decision Making, Like A Fighter Pilot

Four Stages In The Vintage Creative Thought Process

When the German physiologist and physicist Hermann Helmholtz was seventy years old [in 1898], he was asked at his birthday party to analyze his thought processes. Later, Graham Wallas, in his [1926] book The Art of Thought, formulated Helmholtz's ideas into [...]

Four Stages In The Vintage Creative Thought Process

Remove Idea-Blocking Obstacles with Conducivity

Day in-and-out we spend a good amount of our time coming up with creative ideas, solving problems, and making decisions. With focus, concentration, and inspiration, we are better and faster at these applied thinking skills. Your boss just let you know [...]

Remove Idea-Blocking Obstacles with Conducivity
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