worldview 1

Connection Making

A subset of the Springboard Category. There are three such subsets... Connection Making Metaphorical Pattern Based Methods of Connection Making Card Decks Force Fit Proverbs and Cliches Random Juxtaposition Random Objects Random Words Street Excursion

Connection Making


A commercial (and often very effective) version of Brainstorming With Sticky Notes, that involves special equipment (marketed by two companies, Metaplan and Neuland) and a trained facilitator.


Card Writing

Approach Restate the problem or outcome as a series of "How To's"; select the most promising one; ask: “In how many ways can we …?”. Each person is given six 5"x3” cards (or Post-it Notes): five white and one pink. Ideas [...]

Card Writing


This is also called a Cascade Session and Idea Writing and is similar to the 6-3-5 method. Approach Each group member writes down ideas silently on a piece of paper. These might be stimulated by an idea already generated. After three minutes [...]


Morphological Analysis

Originated by Swiss mathematician and astronomer Fritz Zwicky, this is a useful method when you need ideas for extending, modifying or improving an existing product or service. Approach First, make a list of each component or feature of the product, using [...]

Morphological Analysis

Mind Mapping

Mind Mapping A mind map is a diagram used to organize information visually. A mind map is hierarchical and shows relationships among pieces of the whole. Other terms for mind maps include brainwriting and concept mapping. The type of diagram is called [...]

Mind Mapping

Five Whys

Five Whys There are two very different methods, both called Five Whys. Method 1 Intended to find the 'root cause' of a problem. (This is based on the presupposition that all problems have root causes.) Ask "Why does this problem occur?" [...]

Five Whys

How-How Diagram

How-How Diagram also redirected from "Relevance Tree" As an example, let's say the outcome is to increase the number of clients. A hierarchy of ideas is drawn, rather like a family tree or organization chart. Similar to Five Why's but a [...]

How-How Diagram

Fishbone Diagram

Fishbone Diagram An explanation will be added soon. See also: Inventory Making

Fishbone Diagram
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