Yearly Archives: 2009

Need A Web Designer?
Check Out Max Design.

Are you looking for a web designer? There are a million of them out there... How do you choose? While Max Design didn't design my site,* I can vouch for their passion for design. Russ Weakley of Max Design helped me [...]

Need A Web Designer?
Check Out Max Design.

Swim Lane Diagram:
Dive Into Complex Decision-Making

Some weeks ago, I shared a decision making method that utilized a Two-By-Two Diagram to rank/filter ideas using two key parameters. While I received positive feedback, I was asked what to use when you need to rank/filter ideas that involve more [...]

Swim Lane Diagram:
Dive Into Complex Decision-Making

For The Love Of Fluff

H. Allen Durkee and Fred L. Mower purchased the recipe for Marshmallow Fluff for $500* in 1917... and I'm glad they did. Durkee-Mower Inc has making Fluff in Lynn, Massachusetts ever since. What? You don't know what Fluff is? It is [...]

For The Love Of Fluff

Process + People + Place =
Perfect (Brain) Storm

In June, I posted an article called How To Create The Perfect (Brain) Storm. I shared the perspective that a great brainstorm or strategy session... heck ANY great meeting... is a combination of the right people, the right process, at the [...]

Process + People + Place =
Perfect (Brain) Storm

Balancing Unity And Variety:
Branding Lesson From Classical Music

Unity promotes cohesiveness. Variety creates interest. A business lesson taken from classical music. Ultimately, all composition comes down to a balance between unity and variety. Too much unity, too much of the same thing, leads to boredom. But, too much variety [...]

Balancing Unity And Variety:
Branding Lesson From Classical Music

Better Power Strip Design – Powerbridge

Look under your desk at the clutter of power cords... from your CPU, monitor, speakers, perhaps a printer... I'll bet, just like under my desk, it is a mess. A tangle of cords. But that's just how it is, right? Well, [...]

Better Power Strip Design – Powerbridge

Reanimate Your Brand, Frankenstein-Style

Wouldn't it be great if there were a build-a-brand kit that provided all the pieces necessary to construct the perfect business? You could have it delivered to the office just like a cabinet from IKEA. The flat carton would contain the [...]

Reanimate Your Brand, Frankenstein-Style

Be THE, not A

So you are... ...A marketer. ...A sales person. ...A blogger. ...A [_ _ _ _ _ _ _]. But is that settling? Why be A, when you could be... ...THE marketer? ...THE sales person? ...THE blogger? ...THE [_ _ _ _ [...]

Be THE, not A

You May Be Wrecking Your Own Innovation

Innovative ideas - the kind that can transform your company - are inadvertently being demolished. When first presented, many ideas meet wrecking-ball comments such as... "How's that going to work?" "Good luck getting that done!" "We don't have time for something [...]

You May Be Wrecking Your Own Innovation

Marketing Lessons from School Lunch

"If you can successfully promote sloppy joe sandwiches, you can perform marketing for anything!" That was my motto, early in my career, as marketing director for a food service company. We were hired to manage the school district's food program. The [...]

Marketing Lessons from School Lunch
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