Successful businesses use Social Media as one part of their annual marketing plan – not as the only activity. Continue to do what has worked for you in the past, and figure out ways to make Social Media work for you too! In fact, Social Media works best when combined with other, more traditional marketing activities. If you use Social Media to consistently make a genuine connection with your participants by providing them with interesting, relevant content and excellent customer service, you will gain and sustain a happy loyal following.

Before you go, let’s recap!

Here are 5 top tips for using social media for your business:

  • Make sure that your customers and potential customers use social media to learn about and communicate with businesses like yours before you embark on a social media journey.
  • Don’t get caught up in the numbers! Creating meaningful and high-quality communication with your followers matters more than how many likes you have.
  • Use social media as part of your marketing plan, not as the only activity.
  • Don’t sell yourself 24/7. It’s an easy way to lose followers fast. Instead, add value to daily conversations by sharing an article or news story relevant to your industry and customers.
  • Post / Tweet / Pin regularly and consistently. Respond to questions or complaints as soon as you can. Social media doesn’t take care of itself!

We hope this guide has proven helpful, and made you and your team feel more competent to begin your Social Media journey. If we missed anything, or something still isn’t clear – let us know! We’re here to help.

You might also be interested in these marketing activities and blog posts:

Marketing Activities:

Blog Posts:

Happy Tweeting, Posting, and Pinning [user_custom_field field=”first_name”]!

Woo hoo!

By now you are a Social Media Ninja! Use this information to kick major social media butt. And, go get your official certificate of completion of this course! You will find it at the bottom of your My Courses page! (That is, if you’ve marked all the lessons complete!)